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Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service

Fire Investigation Reports.

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Confirmation of Attendance report

Summary of Fire Investigation Report - £122.80

These reports contain a high-level summary of a fire investigation.


Fire Investigation reports are issued only to those who have an interest in the property involved in the fire. Ownership, residency, or insurable interest would be examples of legitimate entitlement. Reports may be disclosed to other parties who cannot prove their entitlement if such release would be in the public interest.


These reports will not be disclosed while an investigation into an incident is being conducted by a relevant authority (e.g. Police or Health and Safety Executive), or an enforcing authority (e.g. Northumberland County Council or NFRS) is taking action at the premises involved. Reports will only be issued once any such investigation or enforcement action has been concluded.


Any personal data contained within the reports are exempt from disclosure where disclosure of personal data would breach one or more of the principles of the General Data Protection Regulations.


A charge of £122.80 will be made for this report. There is no charge for the supply of the report where a request for a copy document or information is submitted by a person identified on the Fire Report itself.


Please use this link to request a Fire Investigation Report.

Full Fire Investigation Report - Maximum of £400.00

These reports contain details of the results of an investigation into a fire if the circumstances of the fire are such that a fire investigation team attended. Depending on the circumstances, a short summary version or full prose version may be available. The reports follow a template which covers synopsis, chain of events, evidence collection and conclusions plus any other information relevant to the investigation. 


In most circumstances the photographs used in the fire investigation report are the property of Northumbria Police; as such Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service will not be in a position to provide applicants with copies. The provision of photographs taken by Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service Fire Investigation team, a charge of £110 will be made for a full set of digital photographs provided on a CD or DVD. 


Fire Investigation reports are issued only to those who have an interest in the property involved in the fire. Ownership, residency, or insurable interest would be examples of legitimate entitlement. Reports may be disclosed to other parties who cannot prove their entitlement if such release would be in the public interest. 


These reports will not be disclosed while an investigation into an incident is being conducted by a relevant authority (e.g. Police or Health and Safety Executive), or an enforcing authority (e.g. Northumberland County Council or NFRS) is taking action at the premises involved. Reports will only be issued once any such investigation or enforcement action has been concluded.


Any personal data contained within the reports are exempt from disclosure where disclosure of personal data would breach one or more of the principles of the General Data Protection Regulations.


A charge will be calculated by evidence gathering and preparation time at a Station Manager B rate of pay (number of hours x £23.53) with a £5.15 charge for stationery, printing etc. up to a maximum charge of £400.


Please use this link to request a Fire Investigation Report.

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