Welcome to our Boxing Academy
The Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service boxing academy is a project run by local firefighters in their own time. The academy is open to people of all ages from 10 years old and upwards. Come along to join a class – the first session is free.
Northumberland Fire and Rescue Boxing Academy (or Northumberland Fire as it is more generally called in the North East) has had a very promising start to the 2021/2022 season with two boxers from the club being involved in a total of 5 matches between them, winning 3 of these bouts.
Northumberland Fire's star senior Connor Samms from Cramlington, has competed 4 times this season winning, 3 of these fights against both tough regional opponents, and a boxer hailing from North Yorkshire. Two of these contests were defences of Connor's Tyne, Tees and Wear Senior Elite 63.5kg belt - the second of which has seen Connor complete the requisite 3 defences of his title, meaning that he now owns the belt outright and is allowed to keep it for good. I'm sure you'll agree that this will make a worthy addition to his mantlepiece! All of the coaches and supporters of the club would like to congratulate Connor for this brilliant achievement. Unfortunately, Connor's entry into this years' National Elite Championships didn't go to plan, with an uncharacteristic off form display seeing him go out in the preliminary rounds of the tournament on a close fought split decision loss - sadly, this is the reality of competing at the highest level, one less than outstanding performance means a certain loss. No doubt the New Year will see Connor return to his winning ways, and see him have another go at the Championships!
Finally, young Oliver Fourie, one of our junior boxers from Morpeth took part in his first contest on December 9th on Boldon ABC's (Amateur Boxing Club) show, losing on points against a more experienced opponent after winning the first round. Fifteen years old Olly has a great future ahead of him in amateur boxing, and the coaching team is certain that he'll soon be back to winning ways next year.
That's it for now, watch out for more updates as the bell rings again on the season in 2022!
Why should I join the boxing academy?
Your strength comes from your self-esteem. One of the primary benefits of boxing is that it is a sport which makes you feel empowered. The sport allows you to be aware of your positive qualities and abilities, as well as recognising your faults, mistakes, and shortcomings.
When boxing, you learn to understand the need to change things and manoeuvre through difficult fighting situations without becoming defensive. These skills will also help you in your everyday life, your relationships, and your career.
Being self-assured does not mean being cocky, as boxing can be a very humbling experience. The attributes of a good boxer mirror many of the personal attributes of a good firefighter.
Both require courage, discipline, dedication, focus, and respect for others.
Support from Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service
The Boxing Academy is supported by Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) in a number of different ways:
The service has provided suitable, rent-free premises and has committed to meeting all of the utility and maintenance costs of the building, which is why the Boxing Academy fees are so low.
The service and other local sponsors provided funding for the initial set-up costs, providing the boxing ring and other equipment.
The service provides support in terms of governance and health and safety matters (including risk assessments and training).
The Chief Fire Officer (CFO) is also the chair of the Boxing Academy.
NFRS is very proud of the Boxing Academy and has invited county and local councillors to visit the gym, as well as the fact they have given presentations to community groups such as The Prince’s Trust.
The service is committed to ensuring the resilience of the project and has pledged support to enable the Academy to achieve its long-term goals.
How to join in the fun...
Come along to West Hartford Community Fire Station and join one of our classes. No matter what your ability, there is a class suitable for you. The first session is free so you have absolutely nothing to lose, but a great deal to gain!
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays:
Beginners classes 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Advanced classes 6:30pm - 8.00pm
West Hartford Business Park
NE23 3JP
To join one of these sessions, or to find out more about the Boxing Academy, please contact us: